Is It Bad To Leave My Windows Open When I Have My AC On?

In the summer heat, air conditioning systems become indispensable in maintaining a comfortable indoor environment. But some homeowners are tempted to run their AC system while leaving their windows open for fresh air. This is a bad idea for several reasons and can affect your air conditioner adversely. You Wear Down Your AC Unit Leaving your windows open results in your AC system needing to run continuously, dramatically shortening its lifespan. AC systems are installed with a load in mind related to the size of your home. When you leave windows open, you increase the load. Your AC system has to work much harder to maintain the temperature you set on the thermostat as cool air escapes out the open windows. Trade-Mark Air Conditioning provides air conditioning replacements for Ingram, TX, homeowners and the surrounding areas. Our technicians ensure your home’s air conditioning system is the right size. Dust Enters Your Home When you leave a window open while running your AC system, dust comes into your home and then enters the return register. The dust clogs up your system’s air filter and can end up covering the evaporator coil. You’ll need to change air filters more often as otherwise,...

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What is The Most Energy Efficient Heating and Cooling System?

While other heating and cooling options are more efficient than ever, the most energy-efficient heating is offered through geothermal heat pumps. These systems transfer heat between your home and the ground outside. They don’t burn fossil fuels like natural gas or electricity. This article will help you decide if a geothermal heat pump is the right system for you. How Geothermal Heat Pumps Work The ground has a lot of heat in it that it collects from the sun. The heat stays at a fairly constant temperature throughout the year. There is refrigerant in heat pumps that condenses the heat in the ground and supplies it to your home. In hot months, the opposite happens as the system sends cool air into your home. There are closed-loop and open-loop systems. The most efficient system is the open-loop system as it has efficiency ratings over 45 EER. Closed-loop systems can exceed 35 EER. Trade-Mark of Ingram, KY, installs and services geothermal heat pumps. Our customers have significantly reduced their energy bills after a geothermal heat pump was installed on their property. Pros and Cons of Geothermal Heat Pumps Besides reducing energy bills and reliance on fossil fuels, a geothermal heat pump’s...

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