Banish Wintertime Dry Skin With a Home Humidifier
While wintertime can bring a nice break from the scorching hot summertime weather, it can also bring along with it some nasty dry skin. This is due to the fact that cold air is naturally low in humidity and will pull moisture out of the human body. Fortunately, you can banish your wintertime dry skin by installing a home humidification system. How Does a Home Humidifier Work? A home humidifier works to introduce humidity into the air inside your home. These systems come with the convenience of being able to set a desired relative humidity level for the inside of your home, and your system will work to reach that level. Most experts recommend setting your indoor humidity level between 40% and 60%. How Will This Reduce Your Dry Skin? When the weather is cold, the air will extract moisture from any source that it can find. One of the most common is your body since the human body is made up of 60% water. When you have a home humidifier installed, it will introduce moisture into the air, so the air won’t naturally try to get extra moisture from other sources, like your body. When the air inside your...
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