HVAC Tips for the Holidays

Many homes are heated and cooled through a central heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system (HVAC). Making sure your house is warm and comfortable is important during the holidays when the weather is cold and your friends and family members are visiting. Here are five smart HVAC tips for the holiday season. Hire a Pro to Inspect Your HVAC Ductwork A professional HVAC specialist can inspect your ductwork for leaks. If any are found, the expert can do a quick repair. He or she may also clean the system, thereby making sure heat will be able to flow unobstructed throughout your house. Remove Clutter from Around Your Furnace Some people use the area around their heating system as storage space. Once you start using your heating system again, you should clear the area around it. Otherwise, you may have a fire hazard on your hands — especially if there are any combustible items nearby. Replace Your Weather-Stripping If you feel a cold draft near any of your windows, it means that there are air leaks. You can eliminate these air leaks by caulking and replacing weather-stripping. This will prevent cold air from leaking in. A professional HVAC expert can also...

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4 Steps For Maintaining Your HVAC System in September

Your HVAC system requires care and maintenance to continue operating well each season. During the month of September, it’s the perfect time to improve the efficiency and operation of the system to avoid potential issues. There are a few important maintenance steps to take in September to keep it running. 1. Lubricate the Moving Parts You’ll need to lubricate the parts of the HVAC system to reduce friction and ensure that it operates smoothly. Lubrication will prevent excess wear from occurring, which can increase the lifespan of the appliance and allow it to operate more efficiently. 2. Clean or Replace the Air Filter The air filter is responsible for trapping all dirt or dust that collects over time while the appliance is in use. Many people forget to replace it, which can affect the airflow and also increase your energy usage. The parts will also work harder than necessary as the HVAC system attempts to cool the home, which can affect its longevity. 3. Check the Thermostat Settings Programmable thermostats need to have their settings adjusted and updated during the fall season after a season of keeping the home cool. You can hire a company like Trade-mark Air Conditioning to...

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