How to improve indoor air quality with plants

Although the subject of plants improving indoor air quality is somewhat controversial, many people still seek out plants to help purify the air in their homes. Most of our time is spent in the home, so it is important to ensure that our indoor air quality is the best it can be. Here are a few ways homeowners and renters can improve their indoor air quality with plants: English Ivy Houseplant The English Ivy houseplant is an aesthetically pleasing plant that can bring lots of positive energy to a home. The elegance and simplicity in the English Ivy make it a great decorative item as well. Having this plant in your home can help keep harmful chemicals to a minimum. Along with that, it can grow in various shapes and will survive for many years with proper care and attention. Chinese Evergreen Otherwise known as the aglaonema modestum, this plant is great for those that fancy low-maintenance plants and easy care. The Chinese Evergreen can thrive and grow even in low light. While it can be handy for air purification, it has been known to be toxic to pets. Dragon Tree This plant is full of life even in less-than-perfect...

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Should I Be Worried About Carbon Monoxide in My Home?

The combustion process in your Ingram, TX, home’s furnace creates heat, but it also generates toxic byproducts. One of those waste products is carbon monoxide gas. This gas is a poison, and it can affect your health and safety. Carbon Monoxide Is a Sneaky Poison Carbon monoxide gas has no color, odor, or taste. A properly functioning gas-powered appliance ventilates the waste gases to the outdoors. A malfunctioning furnace could cause the poisonous carbon monoxide to mix with the air in your home. The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning mimic many common illnesses, such as the flu. Without a carbon monoxide detector, you might not realize you’re being poisoned. Immediate Health Impacts of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning The short-term health impacts of carbon monoxide poisoning include nausea, fatigue, body aches, and dizziness. If the level of carbon monoxide in your home increases, you could become confused, develop blurry vision, or experience vomiting. If you’re exposed to a high level of carbon monoxide, you could lose consciousness. Death can occur within minutes of a high level of exposure. Long-Term Complications of Carbon Monoxide Exposure Chronic exposure to a low level of carbon monoxide can have lasting health impacts. You may develop nerve...

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Possible Causes of a Noisy Heat Pump

Heat pump systems are made up of many parts and can generate a range of concerning noises to the layman’s ear. From whooshing and clicking to numerous types of bangs and dings, these systems can become quite the symphony of sounds. Follow along as we cover the basics of heat pump noises you may have experienced. Outdoor Unit Noises When your heat pump first comes on, it may make some light clicking noises around the outside unit. These are normal startup sounds unless they become increasingly louder or more frequent. Noises coming from the outside unit that could be described as loud pops, hissing, squealing, or buzzing can be signs of motor, compressor, or solenoid issues and should be professionally investigated right away. Duct Noises Another component of your heat pump system that may generate noises is the duct system. Creaking or popping noises that seem to emanate from inside or around the system’s ductwork can mean the ductwork isn’t properly supported. Whistling noises here can mean there’s an obstruction in the ductwork, or there are leaks that can be putting additional strain on the heat pump. Any such duct noises warrant some concern and should be professionally investigated further....

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Signs That Your Air Conditioning System Should Be Cleaned

Although most Americans take them for granted, air conditioners are modern-day miracle machines. It’s common for homeowners not to clean them very often. The following signs will tell you that your air conditioning system needs to be cleaned. Your Home Always Seems to Be Dusty Things break down over time. Despite how much you hate dust, it’s a normal part of life. The majority of dust comes from carpet and furniture fibers, dirt tracked in from outside, dead skin cells, pollen, food particles, and pet dander. No matter how well you clean, all homes will inevitably accumulate dust. If you clean often but still find dust, your air conditioning may be responsible for harboring and circulating the tiny particles that make up dust. Cleaning your AC unit and its ductwork could substantially reduce the prevalence of dust in your home. You’ve Found Mold or Mildew Indoors As mentioned above, decomposition is a necessary step in the circle of life. Mold and mildew are types of fungi that frequently plague homes. They reproduce by releasing spores, tiny particles that easily float through the air. If you’ve found either of these indoors, your air conditioning system probably sucked up mold spores. Mold...

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Does Indoor Air Quality Affect Immune Systems

Most people never even think about the air quality inside their homes until they begin to notice respiratory problems. While your home’s AC might not have a huge impact on your immune system, it is going to affect your lungs and your respiratory health as a whole. That is why it is so important for all homeowners to make sure that their HVAC systems aren’t bringing unwanted pollutants, contaminants, and toxins into their homes. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and Your Health The quality of air inside a home can have an impact on an individual’s immediate and long-term health. Depending on what types of contaminants are in the home, it could also affect their overall comfort. For many people, allergens are going to be the biggest issue that is impacting their air quality. When exposed to allergens, you might notice any number of side effects, ranging from itchy eyes to a runny nose. More severe contaminants and toxins can make their way inside a home as well, and that often leads to long-term problems. While those types of issues are relatively rare, you should still keep an eye out for any signs that you might have dangerous pollutants in your...

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Could Geothermal Heating or Cooling Be Right for You?

Using geothermal energy to heat and cool your home can be a great way to save money and reduce your carbon footprint. Read on to understand how geothermal works and what the benefits are. What Is Geothermal Heating and Cooling? Geothermal systems, also known as ground-source heat pumps, use loops of fluid buried underground to exchange heat with the surrounding earth. Temperatures underground stay fairly even throughout the year, so a geothermal system can cool your home in the summer and heat it in the winter. Trade-Mark Air Conditioning of Ingram, TX, installs and repairs geothermal energy systems. We’ve been in business for more than 35 years. What are the Benefits? Geothermal energy uses very little electricity to operate. It’s mainly the blower unit that consumes any electricity at all. Once you have one of these systems installed, you will see a dramatic decrease in your energy bills. Unlike other heating systems, they don’t use electricity or gas to heat or cool your home. Since they cause almost no carbon emissions, geothermal systems substantially reduce your carbon footprint. Geothermal systems also have a long lifespan. While the aboveground unit has a lifespan of about 15 years, the pipes underground can...

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Why Does My AC Unit Need an Air Filter

Your AC unit is one of the most prized possessions of your home. Nevertheless, you can take it one step further by installing an air filter. Let us take a close look at why your air conditioner needs an air filter. Healthier Air To start things off, an air filter simply leads to healthier air. Nobody enjoys breathing in air that is full of unknown, harmful particles, and there is nothing like inhaling a full breath of oxygen. An air filter will purify the air and clean it right before your eyes. If you have underlying health conditions, this clear air will keep you in the best shape of your life. Improve Efficiency Next, air filters improve the overall efficiency of the unit. When mold and mildew particles are forced to pass through the system, it reduces efficiency. Your air conditioner will be working harder only to pump out contaminated air. If you want to save on your energy bill and make your system run smoother, install a filter for the greater good. You will easily be able to kill two birds with one stone. Custom Filters Finally, custom air filters are often more effective than the default air filter....

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Benefits of Dehumidifiers in the Summer

Summer is fast approaching, and keeping your home comfortable is a top priority. Investing in a dehumidifier is a great way to stay cool and reduce the humidity levels in your home. You can choose from a variety of different brands, and an HVAC company can help you find the best humidifier for your home at an affordable price. Here are a few of the main advantages of using dehumidifiers during the summer months. 1. Eliminate Musty Odors One of the top benefits of using a dehumidifier is that it helps to reduce musty odors in your home. Reducing these unpleasant smells creates a much more relaxing environment for you and your family. A dehumidifier can also reduce mold problems, which is often the source of a musty odor. 2. Increase Energy Efficiency Investing in a dehumidifier is also a great way to improve the energy efficiency of your home. Dry air feels cooler, which helps to give your AC unit a break during the hot summer months in Texas. Over time, these savings can really add up and save you a significant amount of money. 3. Improve Your Health Too much moisture in the air can cause a variety...

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Is It Bad To Leave My Windows Open When I Have My AC On?

In the summer heat, air conditioning systems become indispensable in maintaining a comfortable indoor environment. But some homeowners are tempted to run their AC system while leaving their windows open for fresh air. This is a bad idea for several reasons and can affect your air conditioner adversely. You Wear Down Your AC Unit Leaving your windows open results in your AC system needing to run continuously, dramatically shortening its lifespan. AC systems are installed with a load in mind related to the size of your home. When you leave windows open, you increase the load. Your AC system has to work much harder to maintain the temperature you set on the thermostat as cool air escapes out the open windows. Trade-Mark Air Conditioning provides air conditioning replacements for Ingram, TX, homeowners and the surrounding areas. Our technicians ensure your home’s air conditioning system is the right size. Dust Enters Your Home When you leave a window open while running your AC system, dust comes into your home and then enters the return register. The dust clogs up your system’s air filter and can end up covering the evaporator coil. You’ll need to change air filters more often as otherwise,...

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What is The Most Energy Efficient Heating and Cooling System?

While other heating and cooling options are more efficient than ever, the most energy-efficient heating is offered through geothermal heat pumps. These systems transfer heat between your home and the ground outside. They don’t burn fossil fuels like natural gas or electricity. This article will help you decide if a geothermal heat pump is the right system for you. How Geothermal Heat Pumps Work The ground has a lot of heat in it that it collects from the sun. The heat stays at a fairly constant temperature throughout the year. There is refrigerant in heat pumps that condenses the heat in the ground and supplies it to your home. In hot months, the opposite happens as the system sends cool air into your home. There are closed-loop and open-loop systems. The most efficient system is the open-loop system as it has efficiency ratings over 45 EER. Closed-loop systems can exceed 35 EER. Trade-Mark of Ingram, KY, installs and services geothermal heat pumps. Our customers have significantly reduced their energy bills after a geothermal heat pump was installed on their property. Pros and Cons of Geothermal Heat Pumps Besides reducing energy bills and reliance on fossil fuels, a geothermal heat pump’s...

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