woman with cat air quality

Poor indoor air quality in your Ingram, TX, home doesn’t require a costly or chemical-based solution. There are many ways to naturally improve the quality of your house’s air. Use these three tips from our experienced technicians at Trade-Mark Air Conditioning and start breathing easier.

1. Control the Sources of Air Pollution

The most effective way to naturally improve the quality of your home’s air is to control what comes into your residence. Choose used items that have already off-gassed their volatile organic compounds and paints, adhesives, and solvents that are free of volatile organic compounds. Store pesticides, paints, and other items in a detached garage or shed.

2. Increase Ventilation

It’s also important to increase ventilation in your house. Use exhaust fans when cooking and cleaning. Consider a whole-house fan. These fans remove the hot, stale, and particle-filled air in your home’s attic or upper level. They use an intake vent to bring in fresh outdoor air. This air gets filtered before it enters your living space.

3. Use a Better Air Filter or an Air Purifier

Find out what minimum efficiency reported value (MERV) rating your HVAC filter has. If it’s less than 12, replace it with a higher-rated filter. The higher the MERV rating, the tinier of particles the filter traps. Check the filter monthly, and replace it when it’s dirty. Consider a UV air purifier, too. These use a UV light bulb to deactivate bacteria, viruses, dust, dander, pollen, and other pollutants.

Trade-Mark Air Conditioning is a trusted provider of indoor air quality solutions in Ingram and the surrounding area. You can also count on us for heating and air conditioning maintenance, repair, and replacement services. Our geothermal and sheet metal services will save you money and boost your home’s energy efficiency. If you’re a business owner in the Ingram area, you can also turn to us for commercial heating, ventilation, and air conditioning services. For more tips on natural ways to improve the quality of your house’s air, get in touch with us at Trade-Mark Air Conditioning today.

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February 8, 2021 7:43 pm