Should I Get New Ductwork Installed?

Ducts form part of your HVAC system and help you enjoy a warming or cooling breeze in every room. When they are not working as they should, you should consider replacing them. At Trade-Mark Air Conditioning, we advise our clients in Ingram, TX to consider duct replacement after several years or when moving into an old house. From our years of working on HVAC systems, our technicians have found the following benefits to replacing old ducts. Improved Air Quality Old ducts usually allow dust particles into the system, thus making the air quality worsen. Even if we seal any tears, some dirt may still remain in the air passage, and the air will not be as clean as it should be. However, when we perform replacements, you get new ducts with no existing dirt, and you can rest assured that you will breathe fresh air free of dust and allergens. Lower Bills Torn ducts usually allow in external air that reduces the impact of your air conditioning or heating. Therefore, the system uses more energy than usual to give you enough heat or cooling in your home. This increased usage automatically leads to higher utility bills. We advocate installing new...

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