As the cold months come, homeowners in Ingram, Texas, and the surrounding counties brace for crisp and chilly temperatures. Heating systems are usually the first line of defense for most households, but running your heater 24/7 can also mean an increase in your utility cost each month. Here are four ways to get around that.
1. Improve Airflow
Heat is typically distributed across your household via radiators and duct-linked vents. These hot spots are called registers. How many heat registers your house has will depend on how big it is. Start with the radiator, which is normally situated in the living room. Are any couches, chairs, or bed frames obstructing the radiator from distributing hot air evenly throughout the room? Similarly, clear your heat vents of any obstructions to maximize airflow.
2. Install Reflectors
Radiators produce heat in every direction, which includes the panel right behind them. The conditioned air directed there does nothing but dissipate into the wall. A radiator reflector helps redirect this warm air back into your living quarters. These heat-resistant sheets sit on the back of your radiator and cost anywhere between $20 to $40 at your local home improvement store.
3. Invest in a Humidifier
Cold days are usually accompanied by low humidity levels, which leads to dry skin and chapped lips. Low moisture in the air also causes damage to your wooden floors and furniture. Increasing the humidity level indoors helps absorb and retain more heat. Add a humidifier to your bedroom or any space that you use frequently.
4. Control Your Shades
Opening and closing your window curtains and blinds at the right times of the day can help regulate indoor temperatures at no cost to you. Curtains should be left open during the day when the amount of sunlight is at its highest. They should then be closed at night to insulate the inside of your home against the cold radiating from your windows.
Trade-Mark Air Conditioning is a leading HVAC company in Ingram. Our years of expertise and our inventory of top-of-the-line heating equipment can help you cultivate a warm and cozy space for your home at an affordable cost. We also offer a wide range of cooling and air quality services. Give us a call today to learn more.
Tags: Furnace Maintenance, Furnace TipsTags: Heating
September 20, 2021 9:07 pm