Signs That Your Air Conditioning System Should Be Cleaned

Although most Americans take them for granted, air conditioners are modern-day miracle machines. It’s common for homeowners not to clean them very often. The following signs will tell you that your air conditioning system needs to be cleaned. Your Home Always Seems to Be Dusty Things break down over time. Despite how much you hate dust, it’s a normal part of life. The majority of dust comes from carpet and furniture fibers, dirt tracked in from outside, dead skin cells, pollen, food particles, and pet dander. No matter how well you clean, all homes will inevitably accumulate dust. If you clean often but still find dust, your air conditioning may be responsible for harboring and circulating the tiny particles that make up dust. Cleaning your AC unit and its ductwork could substantially reduce the prevalence of dust in your home. You’ve Found Mold or Mildew Indoors As mentioned above, decomposition is a necessary step in the circle of life. Mold and mildew are types of fungi that frequently plague homes. They reproduce by releasing spores, tiny particles that easily float through the air. If you’ve found either of these indoors, your air conditioning system probably sucked up mold spores. Mold...

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Could Geothermal Heating or Cooling Be Right for You?

Using geothermal energy to heat and cool your home can be a great way to save money and reduce your carbon footprint. Read on to understand how geothermal works and what the benefits are. What Is Geothermal Heating and Cooling? Geothermal systems, also known as ground-source heat pumps, use loops of fluid buried underground to exchange heat with the surrounding earth. Temperatures underground stay fairly even throughout the year, so a geothermal system can cool your home in the summer and heat it in the winter. Trade-Mark Air Conditioning of Ingram, TX, installs and repairs geothermal energy systems. We’ve been in business for more than 35 years. What are the Benefits? Geothermal energy uses very little electricity to operate. It’s mainly the blower unit that consumes any electricity at all. Once you have one of these systems installed, you will see a dramatic decrease in your energy bills. Unlike other heating systems, they don’t use electricity or gas to heat or cool your home. Since they cause almost no carbon emissions, geothermal systems substantially reduce your carbon footprint. Geothermal systems also have a long lifespan. While the aboveground unit has a lifespan of about 15 years, the pipes underground can...

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Why Does My AC Unit Need an Air Filter

Your AC unit is one of the most prized possessions of your home. Nevertheless, you can take it one step further by installing an air filter. Let us take a close look at why your air conditioner needs an air filter. Healthier Air To start things off, an air filter simply leads to healthier air. Nobody enjoys breathing in air that is full of unknown, harmful particles, and there is nothing like inhaling a full breath of oxygen. An air filter will purify the air and clean it right before your eyes. If you have underlying health conditions, this clear air will keep you in the best shape of your life. Improve Efficiency Next, air filters improve the overall efficiency of the unit. When mold and mildew particles are forced to pass through the system, it reduces efficiency. Your air conditioner will be working harder only to pump out contaminated air. If you want to save on your energy bill and make your system run smoother, install a filter for the greater good. You will easily be able to kill two birds with one stone. Custom Filters Finally, custom air filters are often more effective than the default air filter....

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What to do About a Rusty Air Conditioner

You depend on your air conditioner throughout the summer months, so it’s important to keep it in top shape. Unfortunately, rust can ruin the unit’s appearance and destroy its inner workings. Take care to address rusty spots right away before they spell death for your air conditioner. Clean the Rust A little bit of elbow grease can help you get rid of surface-level rust on the outside of your air conditioner. First, wash the outside of the unit with a degreasing solution and rinse it with clean water. Then, use a nylon scrub brush to loosen the damaged layer from the rest of the metal. Finish smoothing out the spot by buffing it with sandpaper. Paint With the Right Primer After you scrub away the rust, that section won’t match the rest of the air conditioner. You can even out the color while also protecting against future rust. Start by applying one or two layers of rust-preventing primer that’s designed especially for use on metal surfaces. Follow that up with a layer of rust-inhibiting paint. To make the job easier, you may be able to find the primer and paint in spray form. Schedule Regular Maintenance Spotting internal damage is...

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How Smart Thermostats Save Time, Money, & Energy

There is more to a thermostat than controlling the temperature. In ages past, that’s all they did. However, in our information age, we now have “smart” thermostats. Smart thermostats do more than control the temperature. They are also more efficient than their analog forebears, and have other benefits: Lower monthly energy bills. Optimize time by being programmable. Can display real-time usage data. Save Money on Energy Bills Smart thermostats are known for their efficiency. These thermostats are Wi-Fi enabled. This means you can turn on and off the HVAC system when you aren’t home. If the home is empty it might be a good idea to turn the system off. Doing this saves money on the energy bill each month. Optimize Time Another difference is that a smart thermostat can run by itself. They can be programmed to run on certain days and times. You’ll be able to choose the perfect temperature for being home, away, or asleep. No more wasted time adjusting the thermostat all the time! Plan with Usage Data In the past, energy usage was only viewed on the monthly energy bill. With smart thermostats, you can view usage data in real-time. This is great for people...

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